Rob Millard-Mendez
Briefs with Built-In Negative Reinforcement
Millard-Mendez lacked the courage to be a stand-up comedian, so he became a
sculptor who makes darkly humorous artworks. He grew up in an old textile town
in New England; now he is a Professor of Art who lives and teaches in the
Midwest. Rob’s work has been shown in over 500 exhibitions in every one of the
50 states as well as abroad. He has won well over 100 awards for his art and
his teaching. His work is meant to engage viewers visually and intellectually.
@millardmendez on Instagram
I went
to eight years of Catholic school, this piece was certainly partially inspired
by that.
American Folk Art and Outsider art are powerful influences in my work
I love H.C. Westermann’s work, the dark humor is something I resonate with
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